Download Voice Changer with effects 3.2 for Android

~ Voice Changer for Android ~

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Voice Changer With Effects is a very simple application that lets you record speech and apply dozens of funeffects to it. Once applied, you can save the clip to your phone's memory to use it as a ringtone, alarm clock, etc.
The list of effects you can use is quite extensive, and what's more important, quite good. You can make your voice sound like Darth Vader, Bane, Optimus Prime, an alien, death, a demon, a robot, a drunk, and much more.
When you try an effect and like it, you just have to touch the button next to the 'play' button to save the audio file to your phone's memory or share it through any social network or chat client.
Voice Changer With Effects is a genuinely entertaining sound effects tool to let you have a blast making your friends sound like Darth Vader or other legendary characters.
Tag : Voice changer with effects apk,voice,changer,with,effects,apk,free,apps,and,game,for,android,pixelous,blog.
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